So the next question is when are we happy and when are we frustrated during the process. We have thought about this for years. Every time we deliver a project to a happy client we throw a party and start planning the next one. But when things go wrong and we are not happy we jump into action. First we fix the problem and take the project back on track, but after that we stop and think about what went wrong and how we can avoid it next time. After 20 years doing this process we have a very sensible framework to detect and avoid problems.
Project management is more an art than a science and we are very creative people. When dealing with developers, clients, agencies and many other players things can short circuit anytime. Part of our process contemplates the fact that you as an agency have a final client that might (And will) change his mind after things are approved. That happens during the process and most important AFTER. A few days, weeks or months after going live the client needs to change or add something. Usually it would be difficult to allocate that work with a new team, but we see this as part of the natural process and are expecting them to be back with these upgrades. When you need support after developing, we want to be your partner too.