What You Need to Know About Technical SEO

What You Need to Know About Technical SEO

October 2021
Web development

Are you planning on starting a new web page or updating one you already have? Then this is the perfect opportunity to guarantee the best Search Ranking from the code up!

Search engines have become a part of our daily lives, we tap into the internet’s endless well of information for almost all our activities. 

Looking for directions to your date’s favorite restaurant? It’s your dad’s birthday and you forgot to buy a gift? Can’t remember who played that song you loved in high school? Odds are that you are going to google it. After all, almost 30% of web traffic starts with a search query.

This is why the higher you rank on search results, the most traffic your page will attract. Here’s where Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) comes in.

Keep reading to find out what you can do to improve your Search Rankings, starting with your site’s development with Technical SEO.

Technical SEO, what is it?

Technical SEO are the specialized facets of a site code or development that can be improved to optimize its placing on Search Pages. This includes steps that make it easier for search engines to comprehend your content and display it in relevant queries. Such as altering keyword usage, indexing, website architecture and more.

Technical SEO Basics 

Here is a quick look at what you need to know about Technical SEO:

Site Audit

Once your webpage is running, performing regular SEO Site Audits is really important. This process will let you evaluate in terms of how it’s performing on search engines, allowing you to fix any technical issues that may be detrimental to your Search Engine Results Page, or SERPS, performance. These include broken links, duplicated content, irrelevant keywords and more.

Keyword Research

Since Search engines can’t actually “read” and understand your page’s content, be it text, image or video, the use of appropriate keywords will tell the search engine what your content is about. So be careful on searching what keywords resonate best with your audience, since the terms you think best apply to your content, may not be what your target audience uses when searching. 

To find out what keywords are relevant or trending, you can spend time on social media and see what your targeted community is talking about.

You can also use automated keyword generators that provide automated lists of similar keywords.

Great content is the basis for any Web Page to rank better in SERPs, but great content is not always optimized for SEO.

Meta Titles

You have a great idea for your site, it’s original, has a great target audience and a defined market. Now all you need to do is let Search Engines know what it’s about. Here’s where Meta Titles, or Title Tags, come in. Basically, Meta Titles are archive cards with the most important information about your site neatly stated in them. Allowing Search Engines to find your webpage amongst the never ending sea of similar pages, whenever a user makes a relevant search.

Meta Descriptions

Meta Descriptions allow you, via HTML, to add a quotable description to your content. It helps you tell the users via a snippet visible under your result, what your content is about. This will help generate interest from the web surfers, since it saves them research time to confirm that your page is what they are actually looking for.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile users generate around half of search traffic around the world. Making sure your site is Mobile friendly is of the utmost importance. Providing a satisfactory user experience for Mobile searchers means more traffic and better Search Rankings.


Anchor Text is that clickable blue text; a Hyperlink. The more relevant the Anchor Text linked is to your page’s content, the better for your SEO. Together with Keywords and Tags, Anchor Text helps search engines understand what your page is about.

Content Optimization

Great content is the basis for any Web Page to rank better in SERPs, but great content is not always optimized for SEO. This applies to all kinds of content, be it Blog Posts, Articles, Case Studies, White Papers, Images, Videos and more. Make sure you are adding great headers, tagging and that all media content loads properly and fast, to maximize SEO.

Keyword Related Content

By now we have established how important integrating the right Keyboards to your content is. But you can also work the other way around. By analyzing what Keywords are relevant to your target audience in any given moment, you can generate relevant content that will trend easily. Just remember to produce content that your audience will find interesting, not something that the search engines will spot, since User Engagement is a very important metric for Search Engines.

It’s easy to  see that SEO is both important and challenging. If you put in more time and effort, you will get better results. And the sooner you incorporate SEO on your Web Page the easier it is for it to get better SERP rankings. 

Keeping your SEO on point may seem daunting, that’s why we offer an integrated approach to Web Design, Strategy and Marketing. If you would like to build your next Web Page with all the tools Technical SEO provides, or need to audit your current Site, contact us, and let our team take your project to the next level.