How Much Do You Know About Argentina?

How Much Do You Know About Argentina?

March 2022
Agency life

If you are reading this, you probably already know that our Headquarters are in Argentina, have worked with us, and gotten to know some of our team members, but how much do you know about Argentina?
With globalization becoming more prominent every day, people from around the world have the unique chance of working with each other more freely. Generally though, we know very little about the different places our associates come from. That’s why we thought it would be a good idea to share with you a little bit about our home.

5 Things That Make Argentina Unique

When people around the world think about Argentina, the first thing that tends to come to mind is soccer, with Maradona and Messi popping up. But did you know soccer is not Argentina’s national sport? That’s right, the national sport is pato. Pato is a game played on horseback that combines elements from polo and basketball. Below are a couple more interesting things about the country that you might not know.

3 Things We Have in Common

However, not everything is different. Some things are global experiences and Argentinians like to stay connected with the world in many different ways:

Why Work With Argentina?

Now that we know each other better, let’s get back to work. Here are some good reasons to consider engaging Argentinian Human Talent:

Time zone

Argentina's time zone is UTC-3. This gives our office hours comfortable overlap with both USA and Europe, making us readily available.


With many public and private Universities and Colleges, Argentina offers a well-prepared workforce. This is especially notorious in the tech field, which has grown its offer steadily over the past 20 years, making Argentina a programmer hub. According to the global education platform Coursera, Argentinians rank first worldwide on their technological knowledge, excelling in Software Engineering and Web Development.

Big Tech International is Already Here

The before mentioned quality and quantity of trained workers has attracted the biggest names in tech to the country. Google opened its local headquarters in 2008, and since then has tripled its local workforce, focusing on people with experience in specific skills such as WordPress Development, which abound, and it keeps on growing. Facebook reached Buenos Aires in 2014 and all their Hispanic American dealings are managed from here.

A friendly, flexible, and competitive people, Argentinians are taking the global market by storm.
Bracket offers you your own friendly Argentinian neighbor, ready to partner up on your next venture with the passion and professionalism that define us.